Trainee Merit Award Recipients

Trainee Merit Award Recipients

ASIP Experimental Pathologist-in-Training Award (EPIT)


Ian Cartwright, PhD, MS, BS

Ian Cartwright, PhD, MS, BS

Post-Doctoral Fellow
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus


ASIP Experimental Pathologist-in-Training (EPIT) Merit Award


Kristen Engevik, PhD

Kristen Engevik, PhD

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Baylor College of Medicine

Daisy Shu, PhD

Daisy Shu, PhD

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Schepens Eye Research Institute


ASIP Experimental Pathologist-in-Graduate Training Award (EPIGT)


Triet Bui, MSCI

Triet Bui, MSCI

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine


ASIP Experimental Pathologist-in-Graduate Training (EPIGT) Merit Award


Elena  Fekete, BSc

Elena Fekete, BSc

University of Calgary