ASIP 2022 Scientific Program

ASIP 2022 Scientific Program


ALL Sessions Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT)
How To Find Your Local Time For a Session

If you are in the Central time zone, subtract 1 hour, e.g., 11:00 AM EDT is 10:00 AM CDT
If you are in the Mountain time zone, subtract 2 hours, e.g., 11:00 AM EDT is 9:00 AM MDT
If you are in the Pacific time zone, subtract 3 hours, e.g., 11:00 AM EDT is 8:00 AM PDT

ASIP Business Office ♦ Philadelphia Convention Center ♦ Room 117
Office Hours: 7:00 AM - 6:00 (EDT) ♦ Saturday - Tuesday

Click on the links below to go directly to that day's agenda

Saturday   |   Sunday   |   Monday   |   Tuesday



Click here for a Printable Consolidated Agenda


Saturday, April 2, 2022 


7:30 AM - 8:30 AM (EDT) ASIP Program Committee Meeting (By Invitation Only)
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Franklin Hall 1
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Jennifer Sanders

Graduate Program Director's Meeting - Competencies for Graduate Education in Investigative Pathology
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A
Sponsored by the ASIP Education Committee

Chair: Jennifer Sanders, PhD • Brown University
Co-Chair: Jonathon Homeister, MD, PhD • University of North Carolina

Jonathon Homeister

Session Description: The Graduate Program Director’s Meeting is open to anyone interested in graduate education. This session will focus on the movement to establish core-competencies in graduate programs.  It will start with a presentation by Dr. Bouchard from Drexel University. Dr. Bouchard oversaw the recent generation and establishment of core-competencies for their biomedical graduate programs and will provide an overview of that process. The remainder of the session will be a discussion about core-competencies specific to pathology programs, and will include presentations by two program directors on how their programs are currently meeting core-competencies. The goal of the session is to help programs develop and implement core-competency requirements for their graduate programs.

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Cary Austin

Symposium: Research Pathology in Drug R&D and Biotech
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A
Sponsored by the ASIP Pathology in Biotech and Industry Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Cary Austin, MD, PhD • Genentech
Co-Chair: Shawn O’Neil, DVM, PhD • Pfizer

Shawn O'Neil

Session Description:  Pathology as the tissue-based science of cause and effect of disease is a key discipline in evidence-based drug research and development, and has become an area of focus and expanded capabilities in the translational research industry.  This session will explore recent scientific and technological advances involving the application of investigative pathology in biotechnology and drug research and development.  Presentations from pathology thought leaders across a broad set of industry settings will provide attendees with an in-depth perspective on how pathology as a discipline is making an impact in tissue-based research and the discovery and development of new drugs to address unmet medical needs, and will highlight some of the activities currently underway within pathology departments in biotech and the pharmaceutical industry.

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
George Michalopoulos, MD, PhD

Minisymposium: Advances in Liver Homeostasis and Repair
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-B

Chair: George Michalopoulos, MD, PhD • University of Pittsburgh
Co-Chair: Chhavi Goel, PhD • University of Pittsburgh

Chhavi Goel, PhD

Session Description: This session will feature 10 abstract-driven short talks

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Pilar Alcaide, PhD

Minisymposium: Pathobiology of Cardiac Diseases and Aneurysm Formation
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-C

Chair: Maria Pilar Alcaide, PhD • Tufts University
Co-Chair: Francisco Carrillo-Salinas, PhD • Tufts University

Francisco Carrillo-Salinas, PhD

Session Description: This session will feature 10 abstract-driven short talks

8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (EDT)
Chhavi Chauhan

Symposium: Artificial Intelligence in Computational Pathobiology: Applications, Challenges, and the Road Ahead
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 116
Sponsored by the ASIP Digital and Computational Pathology Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Chhavi Chauhan, PhD • American Society for Investigative Pathology
Co-Chair: Stanley Cohen, MD • Rutgers-NJ Medical School

Stanley Cohen

Session Description:  AI has transformed the field of pathology by augmenting and enhancing both experimental and diagnostic pathology. Rather than making patient care more impersonal, it has made it more human-centric by empowering pathologists via adding new tools to their diagnostic armamentarium. Despite the enormous progress in digital pathology and AI, there are still several major technical and ethical issues that have impeded fast adoption. This session will provide insight into the current state of the art, lessons learned from disciplines like radiology, current and emerging challenges, and ethical considerations for sustainable and scalable use.

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
Edward Medina

ASIP Highlights Session - I Am An ASIP Member and This Is My Science
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-BC
Co-Sponsored by the ASIP Committee for Career Development, Education Committee, and Women in Pathology

Chair: Edward Medina, MD, PhD, University of Texas at San Antonio
Co-Chair: Daisy Shu, PhD, Schepens Eye Research Institute

Daisy Shu

Session Description: As a Society, we cannot escape the identity crisis we have confronted in the past - what is pathology and how do pathologists fit into the basic framework of biomedical science? This is an ongoing challenge that requires our members to educate others regarding the nature of the discipline of experimental pathology and how our research describes and investigates the pathology, pathogenesis, and pathophysiology of specific diseases at the molecular, cellular, organ, and organismal level. Overcoming this identity crisis requires effort on the part of each ASIP member and our success will be evident as we continue to attract bright and enthusiastic young investigators into the diverse field of experimental pathobiology.

The American Society for Investigative Pathology presents I Am An ASIP Member and This Is My Science a dynamic and inspiring session featuring ASIP Scientists on the Cutting Edge of Discovery briefly, present their research, accomplishments, career journeys, and service to ASIP. This session highlights the diversity among our membership, and provides trainees, young scientists, pathologists, and the members of the larger scientific community the opportunity to become inspired by Trailblazers in the field of investigative pathology.

11:50 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)

Trainee Highlight Posters

Session Description: This highlights poster session will feature 20 posters from trainee members on various topics.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EDT)

Women in Pathology Special Lecture: Imposter Syndrome
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A
Co-Sponsored by the ASIP Committee for Career Development, Education Committee, and Women in Pathology

Chair: Maria Pilar Alcaide, PhD • Tufts University
Co-Chair: Jennifer Sanders, PhD • Brown University
Co-Chair: Nakisha Rutledge, BS • Northwestern University
Co-Chair: Francisco Carrillo-Salinas, PhD • Tufts University


Maria Pilar Alcaide
Jennifer Sanders
Nakisha Rutledge
Francisco Carrillo-Salinas

Session Description: This interactive session will delve into the causes of Imposter Syndrome and strategies to lessen the feeling of not belonging.  Peer coaching will be utilized to build your confidence and coach others to build theirs.  Participants will leave the session with a mini-action plan for battling Imposter Syndrome.  A follow-up virtual event focused on strategies to quiet the inner critic is being planned so stay tuned.  This session is open to all faculty and trainees.

2:00 PM -  5:00 PM (EDT)
Qing Zhang

Symposia: Hypoxia and Tumor Metabolism in the Pathogenesis of Cancer
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A
Co-Sponsored by the ASIP Neoplasia/Growth Regulation Scientific Interest Group and the ASIP Breast Cancer Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Qing Zhang, PhD • University of Texas Southwestern
Co-Chairs: Diane Bielenberg, PhD • Boston Children's Hospital

Diane Bielenberg

Session Description: Hypoxia is associated with resistance towards radiation and chemotherapy. As tumors grow, they can sense the oxygen tension and reprogram critical pathways that are important for cancer cell survival and therapy resistance. One example is through upregulation of hypoxia inducible factor a (HIFa) and activation of HIF signaling downstream pathways. In recent years, there have been rapid development in our understanding of hypoxia signaling in cancer pathogenesis. From upstream, the field has evolved to understand more on how cancer cells can sense the oxygen tension through a family of 2-oxoglutarate dependent enzymes, including prolyl hydroxylases, histone demethylases and DNA hydroxylases. From downstream, there are a lot of exciting findings on von Hippel Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor pathway. These dysregulated hypoxia signaling pathway can also contribute to altered tumor metabolism, which fuels tumor growth. Accumulatively, this symposium will provide the overview on exciting mechanistic studies of hypoxia signaling and tumor metabolism in cancer pathogenesis. In addition, it will cover the therapeutic opportunities that can be exploited in hypoxia signaling and tumor metabolism involved in cancer.

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Magali Saint-Geniez

Blood Vessel Club
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-C
Co-Sponsored by the North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO)

Chair: Magali Saint-Geniez, PhD • Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School
Co-Chair: Patricia A. D’Amore, PhD • Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School

Patricia D'Amore

Session Description: The Blood Vessel Club is an annual gathering at the Experimental Biology meeting.  Over the many years that this group has meet there have astounding developments and advancements.  From the early days when establishing the vascular endothelium in vitro was a major breakthrough in the field to the elegant and sophisticated approaches and models of today, anyone with an interest in the vasculature (and that should be everyone because all tissues are vascularized!) will find home here. This year’s session will include presentations on lipid metabolism in the endothelium, the interaction of nerves and capillaries, pathologic new vessels in the eye and diabetic vascular complications.  We will also hear talks from a number of abstract submissions with vascular relevance.

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Melissa Schutten

STP Guest Society Symposium: Advancing Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology with AI
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 116
Sponsored by the Society for Toxicologic Pathology (STP)

Co-Sponsored by the ASIP Digital and Computational Pathology Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Melissa Schutten, DVM, PhD, DACVP • Seagen 
Co-Chair: Ruth Sullivan, VMD, PhD, DACVP • Genentech

Ruth Sullivan

Session Description:  Experimental and Toxicologic pathologists are increasingly users of digital images in both routine histologic analysis of tissues and advanced tissue labeling studies.  The availability of digitized images in both routine and advanced analysis of tissue morphology has opened the door to the application of computational approaches, which have been revolutionized by advances in Deep Learning (DL) Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in image analysis.  This symposium will review DL approaches applicable to histologic image analysis, present recent studies leveraging AI approaches to advance insights in experimental and toxicologic pathology, and present recent efforts to build resources and community to support continued advancement of the field of “digital pathology”.

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT) Histochemical Society Board Meeting (By Invitation Only)
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 106-B
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Sharon DeMorrow, PhD

Minisymposium: Liver Pathobiology: Therapeutics and Pathway Targets
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A

Chair: Sharon DeMorrow, PhD • University of Texas at Austin
Co-Chair: Heather Francis, PhD • Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center

Heather Francis, PhD

Session Description: This session will feature 12 abstract-driven short talks

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Anny-Claude Luissint, PhD

Minisymposium: Cell-Cell and Cell Pathogen Interactions at Mucosal Barriers
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-B

Chair: Anny-Claude Luissint, PhD • University of Michigan
Co-Chair: Amy Engevik, PhD • Medical University of South Carolina

Amy Engevik, PhD

Session Description: This session will feature 12 abstract-driven short talks

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (EDT)

Rous-Whipple Award Lecture
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A

The Biology Behind PD-1 Checkpoint Blockade
Arlene Sharpe, MD, PhD
Harvard Medical School 

Session Description:

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (EDT) EB Welcome Reception Meeting
Pennsylvania Convention Center • Exhibit Halls AB
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT)

Women in Pathology Networking Event
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Liberty Ballroom C
Sponsored by The Women in Pathology

Hosts: Maria Pilar Alcaide, PhD • Tufts University
Jennifer Sanders, PhD • Brown University
Nakisha Rutledge, BSc • Northwestern University
Francisco Carrillo-Salinas, PhD • Tufts University

Maria Pilar Alcaide
Jennifer Sanders
Nakisha Rutledge
Francisco Carrillo-Salinas

Session Description:



Sunday, April 3, 2022


7:30 AM - 8:30 AM (EDT) ASIP Membership Committee Meeting
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown • Room 303
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM (EDT) Histochemical Society Council Meeting (By Invitation Only)
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 117 (ASIP Business Office)
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM (EDT)

Finding Your Path: To Post-Doc or Not?
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A
Co-Sponsored by the ASIP Committee for Career Development and the ASIP Education Committee

Chair: Jennifer Sanders, PhD • Brown University
Co-Chair: David Sullivan, PhD • Northwestern University
Co-Chair: Marina Anastasiou, PhD • Tufts University
Moderator: Chhavi Chauhan, PhD • American Society for Investigative Pathology

Jennifer Sanders
David Sullivan
Marina Anastasiou
Chhavi Chauhan

Session Description: Health scientists are employed in a variety of sectors including academia, industry, biotech, law, government and editorial services. While a MD/PhD or PhD provides a foundation in research that leads to many attractive career options, post-graduate training can vary among sectors. This session will feature a panel of successful scientists employed across these sectors sharing their insights and advice on whether a traditional academic postdoctoral fellowship is necessary and/or beneficial to trainees interested in their area and what additional training opportunities or steppingstones should be considered. This session will be of interest to undergraduates, graduate/medical students, postdoctoral fellows and anyone interested in graduate education.

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Dennis Jones

Breast Cancer Workshop - Therapeutic Resistance Pathways and Emerging Drug Targets for Breast Cancer
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-B
Sponsored by the ASIP Breast Cancer Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Dennis Jones, PhD • Boston University
Co-Chair: Bethany Hannafon, PhD • University of Oklahoma

Bethany Hannafon

Session Description: The development of therapeutic resistance is one of the most significant clinical problems in the treatment of breast cancer. This session will explore current basic and translational research in the mechanisms associated with therapeutic resistance and will introduce emerging drug targets in the treatment of breast cancer. Attendees will hear from leaders in the breast cancer field about the genetic and cellular underpinnings of resistance to breast cancer therapies. The presentations in this session will illuminate strategies to maximize the potential of targeted therapies and immunotherapies for breast cancer treatment. This session will also focus on the role of cancer stem cells and dormant cancer cells in setting the stage for metastatic recurrence due to therapeutic resistance.

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Vik Meadows

Liver Pathobiology Workshop: Transcription Factors: Liver's REAL ID
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-C
Sponsored by the ASIP Liver Pathobiology Scientific Interest Group 

Chair: Vik Meadows, PhD • Indiana University
Co-Chair: Michael D. Thompson, MD, PhD • Washington University in St. Louis

Michael D. Thompson

Session Description:

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Menglu Yang

Minisymposium: Inflammation and Immunologic Pathobiology of Disease
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A

Chair: Menglu Yang, MD, PhD • Schepens Eye Research Institute of Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Co-Chair: David Sullivan, PhD • Northwestern University

David Sullivan, PhD

Session Description: This session will feature 10 abstract-driven short talks

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)

ASIP Poster Viewing
Philadelphia Convention Center Exhibit Hall AB

Poster Manning Times: 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM (EDT)

  • Lymphatic and Vascular Pathobiology
  • Molecular and Cellular Pathobiology of Liver Diseases
  • Mucosal and Epithelial Pathobiology
  • Ocular Pathobiology
  • Pathobiology of Infectious Diseases
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
David Solomon

Cotran Early Career Investigator Award Lecture
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 116

Cohesin Gene Mutations in Tumorigenesis: From Genomics Discovery to Mechanistic Analysis Revealing Targetable Vulnerabilities
David Solomon, MD, PhD • University of California

Session Description:

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EDT)
Patricia A. D’Amore

Science Communication Workshop
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-BC

Chair: Patricia A. D’Amore, PhD  • Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School
Co-Chair: Dan Milner, MD • American Society for Clinical Pathology

Dan Milner

Session Description: So what is it that you work on?  This can be asked by your uncle, your mom, people at your college reunion, the freshman undergraduate who you are meeting at a welcome reception, your ten-year old, and on and on.  Another day you get a call from the New York Times or NPR who want you to comment on a recent paper that has hit the popular press.  In another event, you are selected by your department to go to Capitol Hill on Advocacy Day to communicate the importance of basic research.  Do you know what to say and how to say it? 

In this session, we will hear from a profession science writer as well as one of our own (Jim Musser) who, during COVID,  had a lot of opportunity to speak to the press.  In the end, we will try our hand at communicating our science to different (theoretical) audiences and get feedback from the science writer and our peers.

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT) ASIP RSPC Committee Meeting (By Invitation Only)
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 117 (ASIP Business Office)
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Qin Yan

Gene Expression Workshop: Newborn Genetic Screening: Methods, Ethics, and Disease Modification
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A
Sponsored by the ASIP Gene Expression Scientific Interest Group

Qin Yan, PhD • Yale University
Co-Chair: D. Hunter Best, PhD • University of Utah and ARUP Laboratories

Hunter Best

Session Description: 

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Jennifer Sanders

Symposium: Cellular Orchestra of Liver Health and Disease
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-B
Sponsored by the ASIP Liver Pathobiology Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Jennifer Sanders, PhD • Brown University
Co-Chair: Satdarshan Paul Singh Monga, MD, FAASLD
 • University of Pittsburgh

Satdarshan Paul Monga

Session Description: 

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Dipak Panigrahy

Pathobiology of Disease Course: Cell Death and Inflammation in Health and Disease
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-C
Sponsored by the ASIP Education Committee

Chair: Dipak Panigrahy, MD • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School
Co-Chair: Sergei Grivennikov, PhD • Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Sergei Grivennikov, PhD

Session Description: Cell death plays an important role in the regulation of inflammation and the resolution of inflammatory reactions. Cell death can contribute to inflammatory responses, and various forms of cell death can themselves incite inflammation. The maintenance of tissue homeostasis necessitates both the recognition and removal of invading microbial pathogens, as well as the clearance of dying cells via the resolution of inflammation. Cell death and cell birth are maintained in balance normally. However, in cancer and other inflammation-driven diseases, these processes become unbalanced, allowing for expansion of cells and disease progression.  Apoptotic cell death plays an important role in inflammatory processes and in the resolution of inflammation. Understanding the interactions between cell death and inflammatory responses is critical to developing novel therapies for inflammatory diseases. In this highly relevant patho-biology course, world experts in the field will present on various elements of inflammation and cell death, including how these topics are relevant across diseases such as tuberculosis and cancer. Specific attention will be given to how dying cells (e.g., tumor cells) can drive cancer progression. Additionally, novel therapies that target inflammation and cell death will be discussed. This course will provide significant insight on inflammation and cell death in human health and disease from leading experts across disciplines.

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Beth Kozel

NAVBO Guest Society Symposium - At the Intersection: Cell-Matrix Interactions in Vascular Development and Disease
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-B
Sponsored by the North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO)

Chair/Organizer: Beth Kozel, MD, PhD • National Heart Blood Lung Institute, National Institutes of Health

Session Description: 

2:00 PM - 4:30 PM (EDT)
Melinda Engevik, PhD

Minisymposium: Viral and Bacterial Pathogenesis
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 116

Chair: Melinda Engevik, PhD • Medical University of South Carolina
Co-Chair: Gregory Tsongalis, PhD • Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health System

Gregory Tsongalis, PhD

Session Description: This session will feature 10 abstract-driven short talks

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Dennis Jones

Minisymposium: Molecular and Cellular Pathobiology of Breast Cancer
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A

Chair: Dennis Jones, PhD • Boston University
Co-Chair: Patricia Mendonca, PhD • Florida A&M University

Patricia Mendonca, PhD

Session Description: This session will feature 12 abstract-driven short talks

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (EDT)
Elaine Jaffe

Gold-Headed Cane Award Lecture
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A

Classification of Lymphoma in the Modern Era – A Marriage of Pathology and Genomics
Elaine S. Jaffe, MD
National Cancer Institute 

Session Description:

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EDT)

Scientific Interest Group (SIG) Night – Networking and Trainee Scholar Awards Presentations
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom 2/3

Session Description:

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EDT)
Satdarshan Paul Singh Monga

Club Hepatomania™ - Meet the Liver Experts
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Terrace Ballroom 3
Sponsored by the ASIP Liver Pathobiology Scientific Interest Group

Co-Chairs: Satdarshan Paul Singh Monga, MD, FAASLD • University of Pittsburgh
Kari Nejak-Bowen, PhD • University of Pittsburgh

Kari Nejak-Bowen

Session Description:

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (EDT) Histochemical Society Awards Reception
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-C


Monday, April 4, 2022


7:30 AM - 8:30 AM (EDT)
Patricia D’Amore

ASIP Town Hall Meeting
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A

Chair: Patricia A. D’Amore, PhD • Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School
Co-Chairs: William A. Muller, MD, PhD • Northwestern University
William B. Coleman, PhD • American Society for Investigative Pathology

William A. Muller
William B. Coleman

Session Description:  Are you a new member of the ASIP and want to become more involved? Are you interested in working with the ASIP leadership and committees? Join us for open conversations and networking with the common goal of building a stronger ASIP.

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Qin Yan

Symposium: Epigenetics of Cancer Immunology
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-B

Chair: Qin Yan, PhD • Yale University 
Co-Chair: Haifeng Yang, PhD • Thomas Jefferson University

Haifeng Yang

Session Description:

8:30 AM - 11:00 PM (EDT)
D. Hunter Best

Symposium: Utilization of Next-Generation Sequencing in Clinical Diagnostics
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-C
Sponsored by the ASIP Molecular Diagnostic Pathology Scientific Interest Group
Co-Sponsored by the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP)

Chair: D. Hunter Best, PhD • University of Utah and ARUP Laboratories

Session Description:

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Liliana Schaefer

HCS Guest Society Symposium: Cancer – Instructive Roles of Extracellular Matrix
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A
Sponsored by The Histochemical Society (HCS)

Chair: Liliana Schaefer, PhD • Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Session Description:

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Andrei I. Ivanov

Symposium: New Mechanisms that Regulate Epithelial Barrier Integrity and Repair
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A
Sponsored by the ASIP Vascular and Mucosal Pathobiology Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Andrei I. Ivanov, PhD • Cleveland Clinic
Co-Chair: Asma Nusrat, MD • University of Michigan

Asma Nusrat

Session Description:

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Traci Parry

Career Workshop: 365 Days As A First-Year Faculty Member:  Making Every One Count
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-BC

Chair: Traci Parry, PhD • University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Co-Chair: Christi Kolarcik, PhD • University of Pittsburgh

Christi Kolarcik

Session Description: Congratulations!  You have earned your first faculty appointment.  Now you can start saving for retirement through a sponsored University program, you can be added to lists for parking passes, and you may even get an office with a door!  In this session, we will feature speakers that have “been there and done that” as well as some that are just beginning to get their academic feet wet.  Each will share some thoughts, suggestions, and advice on meeting and thriving in the challenging first year as a member of the faculty.  We will also offer time for a question and answer session where you can ask anything that might help you succeed while staying mentally healthy!  Attendees will receive a handout with a checklist of things to do as a first year faculty member with spaces open to add during the session!

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)

ASIP Poster Viewing
Philadelphia Convention Center Exhibit Hall AB

Poster Manning Times: 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM (EDT)

  • Metabolic Disorders, Diabetes, and Obesity
  • Molecular and Cellular Pathobiology of Liver Diseases
  • Neuropathology
  • Pathobiology of Cardiac Development and Cardiovascular Diseases
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
Kristine M. Wadosky

Young Scientist Leadership Award Lecture
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 116

Characterization of Ezh2-Deficient Genetically Engineered Mouse Models of Neuroendocrine-Differentiated Prostate Cancer
Kristine M. Wadosky, PhD • Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Session Description:

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
Stephen Hewitt

The Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry Lecture
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A

Chair: Stephen Hewitt, MD, PhD • National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health

Session Description:

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EDT)
Veronica Contreras-Shannon

Career Networking Luncheon
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-BC

Chair: Veronica Contreras-Shannon, PhD, St. Mary’s University
Co-Chair: Morgan Preziosi, PhD • Fenix Group International, LLC

Morgan Preziosi

Session Description:

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Patricia D’Amore

Presidential Symposium: Sugar Coating It: The Glycocalyx in Health and Disease
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A

Chair: Patricia A. D’Amore, PhD • Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School
Co-Chair: Zhengping Hu, MD, PhD • Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School

Zhengping Hu

Session Description: The vascular glycocalyx, a mesh of glycoproteins, proteoglycans and absorbed plasma  proteins, is localized to the luminal surface of the endothelium. The glycocalyx plays a numbers of roles in vascular homeostasis and in a variety of pathologies. Under homeostatic conditions the glycocalyx acts as a barrier to inflammatory cells, a mechanosensor, and a platform for the regulation of coagulation, to name a few. This symposium will provide an overview of the glycocalyx structure and function under normal conditions and then focus on a the glycocalyx in a selection of disease processes, including atherosclerosis, diabetes and viral injury to the lung.

5:15 PM - 6:30 PM (EDT)
Patricia D’Amore

ASIP Business Meeting and Awards Presentations
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A

Patricia A. D’Amore, PhD, ASIP President

Session Description: During this session, members will hear reports from the President, Secretary Treasurer, and other members of the ASIP Council (Committee Chairs) with respect to the state of Society operations, programs, and finances. In addition, the 2023 meritorious awards will be presented, and Trainee and Young Faculty Scholar Awardees will be recognized. The event will conclude with the ceremonial passing of the gavel to the President of the Society.

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (EDT) ASIP Society-Wide Reception
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-BC
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM (EDT)
Patricia D’Amore

President's Reception (By Invitation Only)
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Liberty Ballroom C

Host: Patricia A. D’Amore, PhD, ASIP President
Co-Host: Richard N. Mitchell, MD, PhD, ASIP Past-President
Co-Host: Dani Zander, MD, ASIP Past-President

Richard N. Mitchell
Dani Zander


Tuesday, April 5, 2022


7:30 AM - 8:30 AM (EDT) ASIP Education and Career Development Committee Meeting
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown • Grand Ballroom E
8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Ronen Sumagin

Symposium: Leukocyte Trafficking and Function in Inflamed Tissues
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A
Sponsored by the ASIP Vascular and Mucosal Pathobiology Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Ronen Sumagin, PhD • Northwestern University
Co-Chair: Veronica Azcutia Criado, PhD • University of Michigan

Veronica Azcutia Criado

Session Description:

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Elaine Bearer

Symposium: Immunity and Inflammation in the Brain: Roles in Neurodegenerative Diseases and Brain Tumor Treatment
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-B
Sponsored by the ASIP Neuropathology Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Elaine Bearer, MD, PhD • University of New Mexico
Co-Chair: José Otero, MD, PhD • Ohio State University

Jose Otero

Session Description:

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Jeffrey Miner, PhD, FASN

ASMB Guest Society Symposium: Genetic Diseases Reveal Pathological Processes Controlled by the Extracellular Matrix
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-C
Sponsored by the American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB)

Chair: Jeffrey Miner, PhD, FASN • Washington University
Co-Chair: Ambra A. Pozzi, PhD • Vanderbilt University

Ambra A. Pozzi, PhD

Session Description:

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD

Minisymposium: Mechanisms of Liver Injury
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 116

Chair: Xiao-Ming Yin, MD, PhD • Tulane University
Co-Chair: Laura Molina, PhD • University of Pittsburgh

Laura Molina, BS

Session Description: This session will feature 10 abstract-driven short talks

8:30 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Diane Bielenberg, PhD

Minisymposium: Molecular and Cellular Pathobiology of Cancer
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A

Chair: Diane Bielenberg, PhD • Boston Children's Hospital
Co-Chair: Triet Bui, MSCI • Northwestern University

Triet Bui, MSCI

Session Description: This session will feature 10 abstract-driven short talks

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)

ASIP Poster Viewing
Philadelphia Convention Center Exhibit Hall AB

Poster Manning Times: 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM (EDT)

  • Veterinary Pathology and Animal Models of Disease
  • Inflammation and Immunopathology
  • Pathobiology of Lung Disease
  • Gene Regulation in Development and Disease
  • Cell Death, Tissue Injury, and Repair
  • Digital and Computational Pathology
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
Jonathan Lin

Outstanding Investigator Award Lecture
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A

Proteostasis Diseases of the Eye and Brain
Jonathan Lin, MD, PhD • Stanford University

Session Description:

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EDT)
Chhavi Chauhan

Education Workshop: Rigor, and Reproducibility in the Scientific Literature
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-BC
Sponsored by Elsevier and The American Journal of Pathology

Chair: Chhavi Chauhan, PhD • American Society for Investigative Pathology
Co-Chair: Magali Saint-Geniez, PhD • Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Medical School

Magali Saint-Geniez

Session Description:


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
James Stone

SCVP Guest Society Symposium: Novel Insights from Single Cell Analyses of the Heart
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-A
Sponsored by the ASIP Inflammation/Immunopathology Scientific Interest Group and the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology (SCVP)

Chair: James Stone, MD, PhD • Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Session Description:


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Massimiliano Corsi Romanelli

SIPMeT Guest Society Symposium: Microbes and Immunity
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-B
Sponsored by ASIP and the Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale/Italian Society of Pathology and Translational Medicine (SIPMeT)

Chair: Massimiliano Corsi Romanelli, PhD, MD • University of Milan
Co-Chair: Francesco Curcio, MD • University of Udine

Francesco Curcio

Session Description: The microbiome is now known to modulate a diverse array of disease processes. This symposium is sponsored by one of our guest professional societies, the Italian Society of Pathology and Translational Medicine, and features an international lineup of speakers who expand our emerging understanding of the role of the gut microbiome in the pathogenesis and treatment of disease. Discussion will focus on the mechanisms whereby the microbiome alters disease in several organ systems, including the development of pneumonia, modulating adaptive immunity in cardiac remodeling, treatment of cardiometabolic disease, and the regulation of brain function and behavior. The findings discussions may have application to many other disease processes studied by meeting attendees.

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Jennifer Sanders

Symposia: Regulatory RNAs in Health and Disease
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 115-C

Chair: Jennifer Sanders, PhD • Brown University
Co-Chair: Sonika Patial, DVM, PhD • LSU School of Veterinary Medicine

Sonika Patial

Session Description:

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Jessica M. Snyder

ACVP Guest Society Symposium: Characterization of Animal Models of Human Neurologic Disease
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 118-A
Sponsored by the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP)
Co-sponsored by the ASIP Veterinary and Comparative Pathology Scientific Interest Group and the ASIP Neuropathology Scientific Interest Group

Chair: Jessica M. Snyder, DVM, DACVP, DACVIM • University of Washington
Co-Chair: Kerriann Casey, DVM, DACVP • Stanford University

Kerriann Casey

Session Description:

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)
Jessica Fortin, PhD

Minisymposium: Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Other Neuropathologies
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Room 116

Chair: Jessica Fortin, PhD • Purdue University
Co-Chair: Christi Kolarcik, PhD • University of Pittsburgh

Christi Kolarcik, PhD

Session Description: This session will feature 10 abstract-driven short talks